zondag 20 april 2014

Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide Week 1 Review

19 opmerkingen:
My weekly review for the bikini body guide! My reviews for the other weeks:
 week 1 here
week 2 here
week 3 here
week 4 here
week 5 here
week 6 here
week 7 here
week 8 here
week 9 here
week 10 here
week 11 here
week 12 here

This week I'm starting a new workout plan: the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide! It's a 12 week plan that will give you a toned bikini body. Or at least that's what she promises you. I'm going to review the guide for you, every week I'll be posting an update to show you guys how it's going. So this is week one! After 4 weeks I'll post a before and during picture to see if I have some visible results. My starting weight is 61 kilos (134 lbs).

First work out is legs and cardio, I've been strength training for a few months now so I'd thought I would ease through these work outs. Boy was I wrong! I could barely finish the first circuit, I was so out of breath. When I finished the last circuit I felt like I had died (and looked like it). This guide is definitely going to kick my ass!

Half an hour of power walking, nothing too exciting.

I was dreading this work out the most, arms! My arms are very weak compared to the rest of my body, I could barely do the 15 pushups that started the first circuit! I somehow managed to finish it though and now I can't even lift my arms to pick something up.

Instead of powerwalking I biked 7 km.

I didn't feel like going to the gym today, so I did my workout at home. I used a stool as a bench and some heavy books as weights! This workout was the easiest from the three in my opinion. It still had me sweating and out of breath though!

Decided to switch and take a rest day today instead of Sunday.

Went on a forty minute walk with mom through the forest. The weather was amazing!

You can buy the guide here.

19 opmerkingen:

  1. Goed bezig! Ik begin morgen met dag 1.
    Jij hebt trouwens al een droom figuur, hoe lang ben je als ik vragen mag?

  2. Dankjewel! En succes, de eerste dag vond ik zoooo zwaar haha. Ik ben 170cm en ik ben voordat ik begon al 9 kilo afgevallen met gezond eten en krachttraining.

  3. Ik zou daar echt niet de discipline voor hebben, haha. Succes!

  4. De discipline is wel het moeilijkst ja, dankjewel!

  5. Goed van je! Wat eet je zoal op een dag en doe je op dit moment alleen de bikini body guide?

    1. Ik eet 500 calorieen onder mijn behoefte, wat ik precies eet verschilt ontzettend maar zoveel mogelijk gezond en onbewerkt. Ik volg momenteel alleen de bikini body guide alleen ga ik soms hardlopen ipv powerwalken omdat ik dat fijner vind.

  6. Oke, ik volg sinds maandag ook de BBG en doe ook hardlopen in plaats van power walking. Kan je misschien een post maken over wat je per dag/week eet?

    1. Ik zal er over denken! Maar ik ben geen diëtiste dus ik ben een beetje huiverig omdat ik niet wil dat mensen het gaan kopiëren terwijl het misschien niet past bij hun behoeften.

  7. Deze reactie is verwijderd door een blogbeheerder.

    1. Ik heb je reactie per ongeluk verwijderd, sorry! Maar ik vind hem zeker het geld waard :)

  8. Hey Maya, Wow your results were awesome! You were already in great shape. I am starting the bikini guide this week. Do you think this guide is meant for people that already work out too? Because I have been working out for a while, but not really seeing results, so I thought I would try this. Also, did you do the HELP nutrition guide too?

    1. Yes I also already worked out before I started the guide!I only followed the workout guide.

  9. Hey Maya,
    ik heb vanmorgen net de allereerste work out erop zitten. Ik kon de circuits echter net niet binnen de 7 minuten afronden...is dit normaal?

    1. Dat kan! Zolang je maar 7 minuten bezig bent maakt het niet uit :)

  10. Wat is je bmi als ik vragen mag? Je lichaam ziet er al heel mooi uit!

  11. I was going to buy the bikini body guide but it cost so much...Is it really worth it? Seems good but price very high :( This review http://www.bikinibodyguidereview.com says it not so good but if you like it I might pay? Please help

    1. My results were very good so I thought it was worth the price!

  12. Congratulation Maya!
    Kayla's bikini body guide works.
    Recommended guiding.

    kind regards,


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